位於民生地段,面向大街及巴士站,人流不俗 鄰近住宅區及多間學校,街坊及學生客源充足 裝修設備接近全新,生財工具亦齊備 絕對可即頂即營運,東主亦願意傳授心得
K商業 / 生意頂讓Kin Fu Business Consultancy Limited

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts


(專營:奔馳、寶馬) 汽車零件及配件

你想一起跟我們探索海洋嗎?尋求香港玩樂好去處外,還能學習一技之長。 我們提供彈性時間表,由平日至週未均可,時間OK便可以上課。 由淺入深,堅持用心教學,推行愉快地學習 本公司教練均是PADI潛水教練,香港潛水總會註冊教練😊於香港及海外擁有豐富全職教學經驗,榮獲多年精英教練獎項。

安栢汽車服務有限公司Empire Auto Service Limited,歡迎您的光臨。 聯系人:Mr. Chan 電話:2323 2526
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠安栢汽車服務有限公司

專科服務 維修保養 洗車美容 音響防盜 其他 24小時支援服務 電話 22346972 (呂國勝) 傳真 22345972 緊急電話 60366231 營業時間 00-24(平日) / 00-24(假期) 香港北角油街11-13號地下 G/F, 11-13 OIL ST, NORTH POINT, HK

域天室內設計有限公司 全屋清拆全新水電,包傢俬裝修及設計優惠 $180,000起-域天室內設計有限公司-歡迎大少工程查詢報價
家居 / 室內設計及裝修域天室內設有限公司

巴士通有限公司 Bustung Company Limited 本公司從事旅遊巴行業超過十多年,持香港商業登記,涵蓋服務包括本地和中港車。 承接: - 屋苑穿梭 - 結婚派對 - 團體機構 - 政府機構 - 本地旅遊
B汽車及電單車 / 司機及租車Bustung Company Limited

Tech Fu Motors Asia Limited德富車行,銷售汽車用品,汽車輪胎等 聯絡:Ms. Yeung 電話:3113 4978 電郵: [email protected] 網站: http://www.2-handcars.com/ 地址:新界葵涌和宜合道167-171號金威工業大廈第一期地下A座

Better Motors Company Limited, a Hong Kong company established in 2000, specialises in selling & repairing of European and Japanese luxurious motor vehicles. We strive to provide one stop motor s

紮根在香港, 富康禮品設計。為客戶提供各類精美創意禮品,企業推廣、品牌建立、慶祝活動禮品及贈品等。由Ideas, 設計, 生產至物流安排, 一站式的禮品設計服務。

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Matime Manufacturers Limited is well diversed in manufacturing and exporting watches around the globe, dedicated not only to providing the best product but providing the best service as well. At Mati
M設計 / 珠寶設計Matime Mfrs Ltd

Healthcare Infection Prevention Endoscopy Surgical Product Scientific Sterilization Micro Biology Filtration System Material Testing Civil Engineering Domestic Infection Prevention Drinking Water Sys
S商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Skytec Scientific Ltd

We Clean with our HEARTS! You can depend of us as Easy Care has been in the market since 1985. Established in 1985, Easy Care Carpet Systems Limited has been specializing in carpet maintenance servic
E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Easy Care Carpet Systems Ltd.

Trendy Group International Holdings Limited believes innovative and timeless designs,quality craftsmanship is the only way to strike forward,Founded and managed by a team of trade veterans,we are a l
N設計 / 珠寶設計New Image Jewellery (HK) Ltd.

About Us Being an advance information system developer, 3S understands that rapid social changes and developments are imperative to development of all sectors and industries, whether public and /or p
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